Mini Abdominoplasty with Floating Umbilicus Before and After Photos
Conveniently Located in Upper Kirby to serve Houston
Patient Case
37 year old woman (5’5″, 130 lbs) requested rejuvenation of her abdomen.
Photos on the right are 2 months after Abdominoplasty with Umbilical Remnant, Liposuction of Abdomen, Flanks, Lower Back by Dr. Steely
The umbilical remnant (small vertical scar in lower abdomen) is required for this woman’s surgery in order to achieve a nice flat abdomen while keeping the tummy tuck incision very low hidden under her panty line.
Patient Case
40 year old petite woman (5’4″, 120 lbs) requested rejuvenation of her abdomen after having 3 children
Photos on the right are 6 weeks after Tummy Tuck with Umbilical Remnant, Liposculpting of Abdomen and Flanks by Dr. Steely.
Patient Case
48 year old very active woman was unhappy with minimal excess skin in her abdomen that would no go away with diet or exercise
Photos on the right are 6 months after Mini Tummy Tuck by Dr. Steely
(Her panties are lowered to see how well her scar healed)
Patient Case
These photos are approximately 4 months after floating umbilicus abdominoplasty with liposuction.
Patient Case
3 months after Mini Tummy Tuck with Liposuction of Abdomen & Flanks
Patient Case
Young mother of three of Asian descent undergoing a mini tummy tuck for mild laxity confined below her umbilicus. She did not desire the full tuck incision or an incision around her umbilicus. Notice how ell her incision is healing 4 months after the procedure.
Patient Case
These photos are approximately 4 months after floating umbilicus abdominoplasty with liposuction.