Body Lift Before and After Photos
Conveniently Located in Upper Kirby to serve Houston
Patient Case
58 year old woman was unhappy with the excess skin in mid back area and requested rejuvenation
Photos on the right are 6 months after Upper Back Lift with Liposuction of the Upper & Lower Back by Dr. Steely
The last photos shows how well hidden the incision is while wearing a thing strapped bra
Patient Case
40 year old woman lost over 90 lbs and requested rejuvenation of her breasts and abdomen
Photos on the right are 10 months after Breast Lift with Implants, Subtotal Belt Lipectomy, Liposuction of Abdomen, Flanks, Lower Back by Dr. Steely
(silicone, high profile, 300cc)
Patient Case
34 year old woman lost over 60 lbs through diet and exercise. She requested rejuvenation of her abdomen. After discussion with Dr. Steely, the patient opted for a belt lipectomy to maximize excess skin removal instead of a tummy tuck procedure.
4 months after Subtotal Belt Lipectomy with Liposuction of Abdomen, Flanks and Lower Back by Dr. Steely
Patient Case
37 year old mother requested abdominal rejuvenation.
8 months after Extended Tummy Tuck with Pubic Lift, Liposuction of Abdomen, Flanks, Lower Back & Medial Thighs
Patient Case
28 year old patient lost 120 lbs and desired rejuvenation of her breasts and abdomen.
6 months after Full Breast Lift with Implants (silicone, 380 cc) and Belt Lipectomy by Dr. Steely
Patient Case
29 year old patient lost 135 lbs and requested excess skin removal.
5 weeks after Extended Breast Lift with Implants (silicone, 325 cc), Extended Tummy Tuck with Liposculpting of Abdomen.
Patient Case
42 year old woman lost 65 lbs through diet and exercise.
6 months after Full Breast Lift with Augmentation, Belt Lipectomy (body lift), Liposuction of Abdomen, Flanks and Lower Back
Patient Case
52 year old woman who lost 140 lbs
Breast Lift with Augmentation
Extended Abdominoplasty with Lateral Thigh Lift
Patient Case
Patient Case
Patient Case
After 100lb weight loss, this patient desired removal of excess skin in her upper body. 3 Months after Upper Body Lift with Bilateral Arm Lift
Patient Case
44 year old male lost 140 lbs and requested removal of excess skin. 1 year after Extended Abdominoplasty by Dr. Steely
Patient Case
25 year old patient lost over 100 lbs from diet and exercise. 2 months after Complete Belt Lipectomy with Liposuction of Abdomen, Flanks and Lower Back by Dr. Steely
Patient Case
34 year old woman who lost over 80 lbs requested rejuvenation of her abdomen
4 weeks after Panniculectomy with Pubic Lift, Liposuction of Abdomen & Flanks by Dr. Steely.